Trademark Registration showcases your unique identity
Trademark Registration helps you build trust and loyalty among your customers
Trademark Registration offers legal protection for your brand’s identity
Trademark Registration is an asset in itself
Trademark Registration prevents unauthorized usage of your brand’s identity.
Trademark Registration Classes
Trademark registration classes are a system of classification used to categorize goods and services that are eligible for trademark protection. They are divided into 45 distinct categories, ranging from Class 1 (chemicals) to Class 45 (legal services). Conjunctive adverbially, each class is further subdivided into sub- classes that provide a more precise definition for what may be protected by a trademark. By properly registering a trademark in the appropriate class, businesses can ensure that their intellectual property is protected and that their brand is uniquely identified.
The popular Trademark registration classes in India are:
Class 9: includes computer software and electronics,
Class 25: includes clothing,
Class 35: includes business management and advertising, and
Class 41: includes education and entertainment.
Although the competition for a trademark may be greater when operating within certain trademark classes, it shouldn’t be a deterrent, as long as the mark is unique.
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